Health + Wellbeing Calendar
Keep your employee’s health and wellbeing front of mind all year round!
A Corporate Health Management service.

A yearly health & wellbeing calendar is what every workplace needs!
CHM have developed our annual calendar for 2023.
This will enable your organisation higher levels of engagement when it comes to employee monthly health and wellbeing campaigns and or promotions. The health & wellbeing programs provide your organisation with a variety of different webinars, podcasts, seminars, and information sessions to suit all employees across the year.
These programs can be delivered all year round as stand-alone health and wellbeing promotions/campaigns, alternatively they can be delivered in conjunction with CHM’s core health services, as lead in educational sessions.

Starting Fresh & Setting Goals
Live Webinar:
The Science Behind Adopting New Habits - And Making Them Stick
A new year means a new start, and many people use this month to establish new personal goals. Goal-setting is an integral part of January, when many of us set New Year’s resolutions aiming to improve aspects of our lives over the coming year such as health/fitness, relationships or work.
However, despite the best of intentions, New Year’s resolutions are notoriously difficult to keep. A recent Australian survey found that 58% of Australians (approx. 11 million people) broke their New Year’s resolutions. Over half of us are not achieving the goals we set for ourselves, with 15% of Australians breaking their resolutions in as little as 3 months.
You start off well, committing yourself to a few new goals and you seem to be tracking well, but before you know it, you have stopped and fallen back to old habits. But your determination is still there, and so is your want... so why did your new habits not stick? If this sounds familiar and you want to have a better understanding of how to nail new habits, then join our webinar and understand the science behind habit forming, giving you the best chance to make those new habits stick.

Setting Yourself Up Correctly
Live Webinar:
Reducing Discomfort at Your Workstation - From Head to Toe
Many people don’t realise that a poorly designed computer workstation and/or bad work habits can result in serious health problems. Common symptoms associated with poor design or habits include discomfort in the back, neck and shoulders, hands and wrists, as well as headaches and eyestrain.
With so many areas of concern, it is important to stay on top of your work station setup.
You have read the company collateral and even watched the videos on correct workstation setup, but you still have a little niggle while working away. Wouldn’t it be ideal to pinpoint the body part that is causing you concern, and learn how to alleviate that discomfort. Join our webinar and discover the solutions to your unique ergonomic challenges.

Understanding Women’s Health
Live Webinar:
Mental Health and Menopause - What We ALL Need to Know
Menopause marks the end of a woman’s period and reproductive years. Some women look forward to this change, while others do not. Most women, however, don’t welcome the symptoms that come with menopause — particularly when it comes to their mental health.
During menopause, it’s important to look after yourself. Healthy lifestyle choices will help to improve physical and emotional symptoms at every stage of menopause.
This webinar is delivered by Dr Kelly Teagle, Founder and Principal Clinician of WellFemme, Australia’s first telehealth-only menopause clinic, created to help women access expert menopause care from wherever they live. Kelly will not only share her clinical expertise in this area but also her own real life experience after experiencing early menopause herself. Join Kelly as she passionately discusses menopausal issues and how we can all support women at this time.

World Health Day
Live Webinar:
Taking Care of Your Health - At Every Age and Stage
Life changes with every decade and so does your body. Just as you set personal and work-related milestones, you should also set health goals for every stage of life. Whatever your age, gender or geography, there are many things you can do to age well.
So what should you be doing now to set yourself up for a longer, healthier life?
Ageing might be an inevitable part of life, but staying healthy for longer is well within our reach. Come along to our webinar and find out the foundations you should encourage your children to adopt as young adults. Discover what your ageing parents should be doing in their twilight years. Learn what you and your partner should be doing today as part of your health regime. By taking a few simple measures at each stage of life, we’ll all have the best chance of living fuller, healthier lives.

Mindfulness Matters
Live Webinar:
Taking Care of Your Health - At Every Age and Stage
Mindfulness is a mental state where you focus on the present, without judging or being distracted. Practicing mindfulness is a way of training yourself to focus your attention in a certain way. It can help you in your day-to-day life, work, relationships and overall wellbeing. Mindfulness can help you feel better and reduce stress. It is a useful technique that can help you deal with difficult emotions and situations.
The workplace can be fast-paced, competitive, and, at times, stressful. It demands that we perform at our best, be productive and focused, and get along with colleagues, management, and/or clients. This is where CHM’s mindfulness programs come in, helping you to feel less stressed, be less reactive, and improve your compassion while simultaneously strengthening areas of focus, productivity, and resilience.
With our live sessions and podcasts, this can be a great way to ground yourself and get a short, beneficial break in the middle of a chaotic workday.

Tackling Men’s Health
Live Webinar:
Men’s Health - How To Look Good and Feeling Great as You Age
For men, getting older means adjusting your health priorities. No matter your age, the basic advice remains the same– eat well, stay active, don’t smoke and watch the grog. But as the decades tick over, there are certain health issues that require extra attention to help ensure your wellbeing.
Guys, we know we should exercise, sleep enough, eat right and go to the doctor. Knowing and doing it are two different things. But if you want to stay healthy and strong enough to live your best life at any age, doing those things is vital. And it’s never too soon or too late to start forming healthy habits. So join us at our webinar to learn what you or your favourite males should be doing now.

The Science of Happiness
Live Webinar:
Men’s Health - How To Look Good and Feeling Great as You Age
Happiness has been a human pursuit for as long as we can remember. Now positive psychology has taken this concept into the realm of scientific research in the hopes of gaining a better understanding of wellbeing and meaningful living.
Positive psychology focuses on building what’s good in your life. You’re more likely to experience growth and happiness when your mind is in a positive space. Come join our webinar and learn some of the principles of positive psychology that could help you live a happier life at home and at work.

Preventative Health
Live Webinar:
Preventative Health - Why You Need to Take Action Now
Diabetes, heart disease and stroke are Australia’s fastest growing conditions. More than one in four Australian adults has at least one of these conditions. Heart disease or stroke kills one Australian every 12 minutes. Yet Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease are largely preventable.
The statistics say it all, 25% of your work force has one of these serious conditions. The benefits of prevention extend well beyond just reducing chronic conditions and living longer, healthier lives. The value is also seen in increasing workforce participation and productivity, and improving the health of future generations. Join our webinar to learn more about these life threatening conditions and how adopting healthy behaviours can help reduce your risk.

Women’s Health
Live Webinar:
Women’s Health – Pelvic Floor Health and Understanding Pelvic Pain
Chronic pelvic pain is a hidden problem - it can’t be seen, it’s hard to diagnose and women often suffer for many years before finding help. Sexual, vulval, pelvic and bladder pain is very distressing, both physically and emotionally.
If you have difficulty relaxing your pelvic floor muscles they can become chronically tense and overactive. Tense, tight pelvic floor muscles are painful and can lead to ongoing pelvic, sexual and bladder pain. It’s like having a headache in the pelvis.
Pelvic pain affects 1 in 5 Australian women at some time in their life, yet it is a condition that is rarely discussed. Chronic pelvic pain is poorly understood and often not recognised because it does not show on scans or at an operation. Those with pelvic pain often suffer in silence, unsure where to go and who can help them. Join our webinar and hear from Shan Morrison, specialist in pelvic health physiotherapy and get a better understanding of this complex condition.

Healthy Relationships
Live Webinar:
Strategies For Healthy Relationships - Both Home and Work
Relationships are incredibly important at any age. People who have healthy relationships are more likely to feel happier and satisfied with their lives.
Healthy relationships can increase your sense of worth and belonging and help promote self-esteem. On the contrary, difficult relationships can impact on home life and work commitments and can lead to anxiety and unhappiness.
We all know that positive and healthy relationships in our home, work and social lives are essential for our wellbeing. Positive family relationships help families resolve conflict, work as a team and enjoy each other’s company. Good working relationships, where everyone feels respected and supported, help promote a positive work culture. Healthy relationships don’t just happen though; healthy relationships take time to build and need work to keep them healthy. Join us at our webinar and learn some strategies to consolidate your current relationships and how to build new ones.

Sun Smart with Molemap
Live Webinar:
Being Sun Smart - Skin Cancer Awareness - with MoleMap
The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation can’t be seen or felt. Whatever the weather, it’s important
for people of all skin types to use sun protection whenever UV levels are three or higher.
Not only is this a great way to promote sun protection from skin cancer before summer, but it is a perfect opportunity for health and safety teams to assess their OHS risk controls.
Skin cancer is almost entirely preventable. Making sun protection a part of your life, avoiding sunburn and checking your skin regularly will help prevent further damage to your skin. Join our webinar with partners Molemap and educate yourself on how best to protect your skin against sun damage and promote safe measures against life taking skin damage.

Festive Season
Live Webinar:
Festive Season - CHM’s Survival Guide
It’s Christmas and summer holidays – a time filled with fun, food, families and presents. But just as often, it can be a stressful time, with screaming kids, fighting relatives, having to cook food on a hot day or travel to visit family. There are so many moving parts it is easy for things to fall apart. If only there was a trusted guide on how to survive the festive season.
Christmas and the holiday period are supposed to be times of joy, happiness and relaxation, but for many can be anything BUT that. So let CHM send you off at the end of the year with a basket full tips and tricks.
Come join some of CHM’s favourite practitioners as we take you through some simple but effective strategies on how to make the most of the festive season and your holidays, for you and your family.
Ready to get started?
Contact us today to discuss how your organisation can activate your CHM Health & Wellbeing Calendar for 2023!